Best Vibration Plates For Home Use

For the super-fit, the workout is fun – an opportunity to burn off those calories, strengthen those muscles and generally feel fitter and healthier. For most of us, however, exercise is something we do because we know we have to keep fit, and many of us don’t enjoy it at all. Exercise plates could make all the difference to the way you feel about staying healthy.

Buying your own vibration plate brings you the freedom to get in shape in the comfort of your own home. Paying gym fees or even just getting to a gym can be a difficult if not impossible task for some people so a vibration plate at home is the ideal solution.

Whether you are looking to tone up, get in shape, soothe aching muscles or help your blood circulation , the advantages of having a vibration plate at home are fairly straight forward, but do they work? This guide should give you the answer.

What are Vibration Plates?

The work principle is very simple. A person stands on the best vibration plate and the machine begins moving. As the body of the person moves at a specific frequency, the muscles begin contracting because of the vibrations.

The use of vibration plates results in an anaerobic workout, which is similar to intense weigh lifting. The muscles have to contract very hard so that the person standing on the machine is capable of maintaining balance.

The duration of the vibration plate for weight loss session will be determining for the outcome of the workout. Keep in mind that even the most basic of exercises will be intensified several times through the use of a vibration plate. A session of 15 minutes several times per week will be sufficient to achieve your fitness goals.

Studies have been performed and these confirm the efficiency of vibration plates. A study was conducted in 2009 and it involved 61 obese women. All of the ladies started a healthy diet but one group used vibration plate training. These women were much more successful than the ones using a traditional workout routine to lose weight. The other ladies practiced traditional sports like swimming or cycling.

The women in the vibration plate group managed to sustain a weight loss of 10.5 percent after one year in comparison to seven percent in the group relying on other types of exercises.

Best Vibration Plates in UK 2023

1. LifePro 3D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

Best Vibration Plates UK
Designed for home fitness, the vibration plate relieves body aches. This vibration plate makes enough room for all types of physical exercises, including the floor exercise. For convenient use, it is suggested to place it on a smooth solid floor. Not only this, but there is a stabilizing suction on the base of the vibration plate, which helps it stay put while you perform exercises on top of it. If you wish to boost your metabolism rate via using this machine, you are most welcome. Believe it or not, it provides a very good foot massage to the users. No matter what your weight is, you can stand on this plate as this vibration device is capable of carrying a weight of up to 150 kgs.

The top layer of the machine 

The LifePro 3D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine has an anti-slip rubber top. There are buttons on the surface of the plate which allows you to go for a high impact workout.

Remote control

This LifePro vibration plate comes with a handy remote, which lets you change the rate of oscillation at your convenience.

Warranty and support

The machine comes with a lifetime warranty. In case you need any guidance regarding the use of this vibration device, you can watch the videos which come with the order.


  • This LifePro 3D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine is instrumental for weight loss.
  • This black vibration machine doesn’t require any additional battery at all.
  • This device is very quiet.
  • Perfect for thigh exercises.


  • This 3D vibration plate features only 2 robust motors instead of three. These motors are prone to malfunctioning.
  • It is quite expensive for beginners.

2. High Street TV Unisex’s Wonder Core Rock N Fit Vibration Plate

Best Vibration Plates 2021
This thoughtfully designed High Street TV Unisex’s Wonder Core Rock N Fit Vibration Plate features a control panel on the top layer of the machine. If you are about to enroll in any calorie-burning program, this is the best vibration plate for you. The device is not at all noisy. Designed for muscle toning, the vibration plate has the ability to increase the heart rate more than a regular exercise in the gym or on the floor. The model is light green in color.


It lets you customize the duration and speed setting according to the requirement of your exercise. You can operate the machine in both automatic and manual mode. This model by High Street TV comes with a battery combined handy remote for adjusting the setting. This revolutionary device allows you to control the intensity of the exercise by simply adjusting the position of your feet on it. The center of the vibration plate provides the lowest intensity.

The seat

This vibration machine comes with an exercise seat that activates all muscles in your body from head to toe. This is oval in shape and yellow in color.


  • It uses double AAA batteries, which is easily available in electronic shops
  • This machine is apt for all ages.
  • Irrespective of gender, any person can use this device.
  • This vibration machine can last for ages.


  • The top of the device is too slippery.
  • There can be some problem with servicing in case the device gets damaged while using.

3. 4D Triple Motor Vibration Plate

Best Vibration Plates UK 2021
This 4D Triple Motor Vibration Plate features a curved design that provides better results than regular workout on the floor. With its micro oscillation and curved surface, the machine makes a good massaging device. It soothes your aching joints, alleviates muscle discomforts, and maintains proper blood circulation in your leg while seated. It has 3 motors and can provide up to 40 Hz of frequency. This silent vibration plate has an anti-slip surface, and as a result, you can stand on it with your gym shoes on. This unisex device weighs around 21 kgs.

Intensity control

On top of the vibration plate, there is a screen that uses LED to tell you the intensity level of your exercise with three different colors.

Additional components

This aluminum made vibration plate comes with additional components like a Bluetooth speaker, resistance cord, and last but not least, a handy remote control. The Bluetooth device comes with the order to boost your motivation for exercise. You can remotely control the variables with a wearable wristwatch.


  • This all in one vibration plate has the ability to enhance bone density.
  • There comes a nutrition guide and manual with the device.
  • This device is lightweight and portable.
  • It reduces the time scale of your fitness goal.


  • Sometimes it vibrates pretty violently.
  • Some customers report that the remote control doesn’t work.

4. AGM Vibration Power Plates

Top Vibration Plates UK 2021
These AGM Vibration Power Plates give you a fair opportunity to shape your entire body almost instantly with its advanced features. The powerful AGM device allows you to play your favorite playlist while working out with the help of its built-in Bluetooth speaker and USB connector. Designed for fast weight loss training, the vibration plate is smaller than other such plates available in the market. There is an LCD intelligence monitor added to the machine. In fact, you can stand on this machine barefoot if you want.

Equivalency with other forms of exercise

This extraordinary vibration device takes only 10 minutes from your life for a high-intensity full-body exercise. 10 minutes on this vibration plate is equivalent to 30 minutes of swimming or one hour of jogging. Just investing 10 minutes from your everyday life, you can burn around 400 calories.

Promises made by the company

For this particular vibration device, the AGM provides an option of a 1-month long money-back period. If anything goes wrong with your vibration plate, the company offers to replace it for a year.


  • This 10.9-gram unisex vibrating machine is black in color.
  • It uses a powerful motor of 200 watt.
  • If you find it faulty, you can send it back.
  • This convenient machine is pretty thick.


  • The instruction manual is not clear about the guidance.
  • This provides a very high intensity. That is why consult with your doctor before using this machine in case you are injured.

5. Atmonas Oversized Vibration Plate

Best Vibration Plates
This ideal exerciser can bring your body back on track. This 12-gram vibration plate is black in color, and the manufacturers have used piano paint, which lasts forever. This professional exercising machine comes with multiple pre-set modes, and it is even perfect for pregnant women. The order comes with two resistance bands for a better workout session. This affordable vibration plate helps in enhancing the metabolic rate and ensures a healthier endocrine system.


This Atmonas Oversized Vibration Plate allows two persons to use the device simultaneously. The machine can carry a load of up to 150 kgs. If the combined weight is less than 150 kgs, even more than three-person can stand on it if there is room.

Foot exercise

The Shiatsu mat surface is good for aching feet. It lets you stand barefoot on it. It gently massages the entire feet and leg muscles of your body.


  • This vibration plate model comes with a touch screen panel.
  • It provides double speed than that of another model.
  • The linear, lateral, and pulse vibration mode helps you exercise.
  • You can perform several exercises such as bridge, push-ups, lunge, squats, etc., with this device.


  • The model has a bad rubber top, which can be peeled off.
  • This is not ideal for seated exercises.

Who can Use Vibration Plates?

All people can try vibration plate training. Some beginners who have never worked out before may need professional supervision to get started. Once this initial period is over, the vibration plate will be great for at-home usage.

People that suffer from cardiovascular problems and other serious medical conditions should talk to a physician first. Strength training and hard to perform physical exercises could be a bad idea for such individuals. The use of the best vibration plate will be permissible if a doctor gives approval for the start of a workout program.

The vibration plate is suitable for anyone interested in losing weight or sculpting their body. According to manufacturer information, vibration plates are suitable for all individuals aged over 16.

Vibration plate training under proper supervision is also great for elderly individuals who want to be in good physical shape.

Benefits of Vibration Plate Workouts

The efficiency of the workout is the most obvious and the most important benefit. Clinical studies confirm the success of vibration plate weight loss programs. The machine intensifies all kinds of exercises, which means that results will be seen in a shorter period of time and they will be easier to sustain.

Vibration plate training is also great for increasing bone density and overcoming the effects of medical issues like osteoporosis. According to scientists, the vibrations stimulate the cell nucleus to move, which triggers the release of osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are the cells responsible for bone production.

The use of the best vibration plate is connected to a range of additional health benefits. This workout option is the perfect one, if you are interested in strengthening your immune response. The vibrations stimulate the lymph nodes and improve the circulation of lymph throughout the body. Better functioning of the lymphatic system is ultimately connected to increased ability to fight infections and harmful influences.

Finally, vibration plate training is connected to improved hormonal balance. Exercise boosts the production of human growth hormone (HGH). As we age, the production of HGH slows down. The hormone is often called “the fountain of youth” because of its protective and regenerative qualities.

Vibration plate training is suitable for everyone and it delivers much more than sustainable weight loss. Trying the best vibration plate for yourself is a great option for figuring out whether you feel comfortable and happy with this type of exercise. Now you have the basic information on this weight loss equipment this will sure help when reading our vibration plate reviews.