battle rope exercise

Battle Rope Workout for Beginners

The Battle Rope has been a popular fitness trend of the past few years, and for good reason. If you’ve never used battle ropes before, they offer a great way to add variety and challenge into your workouts. They can be used for everything from core workouts, balance exercises, and plyometric jumps! we wanted to provide our readers with an overview on what goes down at some typical workout routines involving this dynamic tool without being too complicated.

Benefits of battle ropes workout

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research conducted a study to determine the mean oxygen consumption among various exercises, including the bench press, battle rope training, and burpees. The study also included other resistance training exercises as well as bodyweight movements such the push-ups, push-ups, and plank.

The burpee, followed by battle rope training, was the most oxygen-consuming exercise. You just read that correctly. In oxygen consumption, battle rope training was more efficient than the much-maligned burpee. Training with a battlerope burned on average 10.3 calories per minute.

The greatest benefit is that you can do high-intensity interval running and rowing without needing to use any other equipment. Interval training with high intensity can increase your resting metabolic rates, VO2 max (oxygen muscle maximum), and allows you to train both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.

Some more benefits of battle rope workout

  • It is possible to maintain high intensity for a long time
  • It is easy to make a quick and efficient workout at home or in a gym.
  • It is easy to set up, and it doesn’t take up too much space when stored.
  • It can be used to do a full-body exercise
  • It raises the lactic acid threshold in your upper body, which is a super rare feat because most work like this is done using the lower body.
  • The way you move the rope can make a difference between high and low impact.
  • This is a great way to increase grip strength, which can be used to improve other lifts such as the deadlift, pull ups, and kb swings.
  • The upper body can be worked independently
  • It’s as much fun as it gets to use

How to Use Battle Ropes


In order to last longer in your workout, you need to learn how to relax. Many people take on a tense grip and an intense stance when they’re feeling stressed out by their activity, but this can lead them quickly into exhaustion. Instead of gripping tightly onto the rope with both hands, try relaxing as much as possible; it will make moving around easier for you since there’s less tension flowing through your body!


This is in addition to being able relax. Rope exercises have a 100% output which means there is no rest. Similar exercises in other training methods include a rest point that allows for relaxation and consistent breathing patterns. Rope Training novices tend to hold their breath, which can affect their performance. Match your movement to your breathing. As speed and intensity increase, so should your breathing.

Whole Body Training

You can use rope exercises to build up your upper body, but it is important that you utilize the entire body for power and efficiency. To do this properly when doing Waves with a rope, be conscious of how you are standing. Avoid being too stiff in any areas of your feet or shoulders and work on keeping all muscles engaged throughout the whole exercise.

How long should a battle rope workout be?

One study showed that a 10-minute battle rope exercise resulted in higher heart rates and energy expenditure (calories burnt), which are both above the thresholds previously known to improve cardiorespiratory fitness. There is no standard length for a battle rope workout. How often and how frequently you can use battle ropes will depend on your fitness, recovery experience, and training age.

Consistency is key, just like with most things. If you have five minutes, try a 5-minute work out. You can also do a 10-minute work out if you have 10 minutes. You can use battle ropes as a side dish for your main workout. This will enable you to do longer workouts and still maintain your metabolic condition with battle ropes. This is a great way of finishing strength training with 5- to 60-second battle rope intervals.

8-Move Battle Rope Workout

Each battle rope exercise should be completed for 30 seconds. After that, you can rest for one minute and then move onto the next move. Rest for 1 minute after you reach the end of each battle rope exercise. You’ll have a great workout, not only faster than an hour-long session at the gym but also much more enjoyable.

Double-Arm Wave

Begin with your feet at hip width, with your toes pointed forward and your knees bent. With your palms facing down, grab the ropes and move both your arms up and down simultaneously. Maintain a fast pace.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Squat with Single-Arm Wave

Keep your feet together, toes pointed forward, and your feet hip width apart. Then, do a deep squat with your thighs parallel to floor. With your palms facing the ground, grab the ropes. As you raise each arm, keep your torso in a squat position. Next, move the ropes one at a while, making two waves upwards and then two waves downwards.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Single-arm Wave with Jump Squat

Start single arm waves from a deep squat position. Jump in the air and land softly in a squat position. Continue to jump while you move your arms.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Reverse-Grip Wave With Lunge

Begin with your feet together. Keep your elbows close to the rib cage, and grip the ropes with your palms facing upward. Start by making single arm waves. Next, move the left leg into a lunge and then extend your arms. With arms still moving, place your feet together on the right foot and then lunge on the left side. Continue to alternate while moving your arms.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Hip Toss

Keep your hands close to each other and palms facing inward when gripping the ropes. The ropes should be moved from the right hip upwards and then over to the left hip in a rainbow pattern. Keep your torso straight and keep your abs engaged.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Double-Arm Wave with Burpee

Begin in a deep squat. Perform three quick double-arm movements, then drop the ropes to get into a push-up position. Do one push-up, then jump back up and grab the ropes.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Arm Circles

With your palms facing down, grip the ropes, with arms extended and elbows near the rib cage. Circle your arms three times inward, then three times outward.Continue for another 30 seconds.

Power Slam

In a deep squat, position yourself. With your palms facing inward, grab the ropes and raise them overhead. Then, slam the ropes to ground in one powerful movement. Keep your chest up.Continue for another 30 seconds.