Is A Recliner Good For Hip Pain

Hip pain can be a real pain in the, well, hip. It can make it difficult to do simple daily tasks like standing up, walking, or even sitting down. And if you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from this discomfort, you know how important it is to find a comfortable seating option. Enter the recliner, a popular piece of furniture that many people swear by for hip pain relief.

But is a recliner really good for hip pain, or is it just another fad? In this article, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of using a recliner for hip pain, as well as some tips for finding the right one for your needs. So sit back, relax (if you can), and let’s dive in!

What Causes hip pain?

Hip pain can be a nagging problem for many individuals, especially as they age. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including injury, inflammation, or degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis. Sometimes, even a sedentary lifestyle or excess weight can lead to hip pain.

The symptoms of hip pain can vary depending on the underlying cause. For some, the pain may be sharp and sudden, while for others, it may be a dull and lingering ache. You may also experience stiffness, reduced mobility, or difficulty in standing, walking, or climbing stairs. It is essential to identify the cause of hip pain and seek appropriate medical advice to manage the symptoms effectively.

Now that we know what hip pain is and what causes it, let’s explore how recliners can be useful in managing hip pain.

Recliners and hip pain

What is a recliner?

A recliner is a type of chair that allows the user to recline the backrest and elevate the footrest. It is designed to provide added comfort and support to people who suffer from various health concerns, including hip pain.

How does a recliner help with hip pain?

Using a recliner can definitely help in reducing hip pain, especially for those who suffer from chronic or acute hip pain. A recliner can provide several benefits including:

  • Reducing pressure on the hip joint: When you sit down in a recliner with your feet elevated, it reduces the pressure on your hip joint by distributing your weight across your body. This can help alleviate the pain caused by inflammation or arthritis.
  • Better blood circulation: Many high-quality recliners come with customizable features such as built-in heat and massage options. These can help improve blood circulation in the hip area, promoting better healing and reducing pain.

Types of recliners for hip pain relief

If you are considering purchasing a recliner for hip pain relief, there are several types that you can choose from. Some of the most popular recliner types include:

  • Power lift recliners: These chairs have a built-in motor that can lift the chair and tilt it forward, helping you stand up and sit down with ease. They are ideal for elderly adults who suffer from hip pain and mobility issues.
  • Zero-gravity recliners: These recliners are designed to provide maximum comfort by elevating your feet and head above your heart level, reducing the pressure on your hip joint, spine, and muscles.
  • Rocker recliners: These chairs provide a gentle rocking motion that can help soothe and relax sore hip muscles, reducing pain and discomfort.

Using the right type of recliner can help you alleviate your hip pain, but it’s important to note that not all recliners are created equal. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using a recliner for hip pain relief.

Read also: Best Recliner Chairs

Advantages of using recliners for hip pain

Enhanced blood flow

When we sit on a regular chair or a sofa for an extended period, our blood circulation gets affected, causing stiffness and pain in the hip area. But recliners provide comfort and support to the legs and feet, allowing better blood flow to the hip joint. The proper blood flow helps in reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and relieving pain. A recliner’s footrest can be adjusted, providing the perfect angle to elevate your feet above your heart level for better blood circulations.

Spinal alignment

Sitting in a recliner helps align the spine in a neutral position, which reduces the pressure on the hip joints. The correct posture helps distribute the body weight evenly, preventing undue stress on the joints. Good spinal alignment can help reduce stiffness, pain, and soreness of hip muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Relief from muscle tension

Hip pain can cause muscle tension in the surrounding area, leading to further discomfort. It can be challenging to relieve the tension and relax the muscles without proper support. Using a recliner can help address this issue because it offers lumbar support, which helps keep the hips, spine, and pelvis in the perfect alignment. In addition, the footrest of a recliner helps the body relax, and muscles get to rest after a long day’s work.

Increased comfort and relaxation

A recliner can offer superior comfort and relaxation for people with hip pain. The best part of using a recliner is that you can customize the experience to your requirements. With adjustable recline angles, heat therapy, massage options, and other features, you can sit in a comfortable position for as long as you like. A recliner can be a fantastic tool for reducing muscle tension, anxiety, and stress, which might be the underlying cause of your hip pain.

Advantages of using a recliner for hip pain relief are many. But it is important to note that recliners are not a substitute for prescribed medical treatment. It’s always advisable to consult your healthcare provider before using a recliner or any other product to manage your hip pain.

Disadvantages of using recliners for hip pain

While recliners can be great for providing relief to individuals with hip pain, there are also some disadvantages to using them. Incorrect usage of recliners can actually aggravate the pain instead of providing relief. Improper positioning or sudden movement can easily cause more strain on the hip joint, leading to increased pain and discomfort.

Additionally, certain conditions may make recliners unsuitable for individuals with hip pain. For example, if you have severe arthritis or any back problems, reclining for extended periods of time can exacerbate those conditions and cause more harm than good.

That being said, it is important to always consult with a medical professional and discuss the use of a recliner as a potential treatment option for hip pain. They can advise you on the most appropriate recliner and how to use it correctly to avoid any further damage or discomfort.

Tips for using a recliner for hip pain relief

While it is true that recliners can provide relief for hip pain, it is important to use them correctly to ensure that you are not exacerbating the pain.

Right posture

The first tip for using a recliner for hip pain relief is to maintain an appropriate posture while sitting. It is important to keep your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Your hips should be at a right angle to your knees, and your knees should be at a right angle to your feet. This posture will greatly reduce the pressure on your hips and joints.

Adjusting the recliner

Before you sit on the recliner, make sure that it is adjusted to suit your needs. Adjust the backrest and footrest, so that your back is comfortably supported and your feet are elevated. It is important to avoid sitting in a recliner that is too deep or too high, as this will put additional stress on your hips.

Getting up from the recliner safely

Getting up from a recliner can be challenging, especially if you are experiencing hip pain. To avoid aggravating the pain, it is recommended to follow these steps. First, slowly move yourself to the edge of the recliner, and then place your feet on the floor. Use the armrests to push yourself up to a standing position. Take your time, do not try to stand up too quickly. It is also important to avoid twisting your body while getting up from the recliner, as this can cause strain on your hips.


In conclusion, a recliner can be a useful tool for relieving hip pain if used correctly. The adjustable positioning can help reduce pressure on the hips and provide a more comfortable seating option. However, it’s essential to balance the benefits with the potential disadvantages, such as poor posture or lack of exercise.

As with any medical condition, consulting with a healthcare professional is always the best course of action. So, whether you prefer to watch TV or read a book, a recliner may be a good option for you if you suffer from hip pain. Remember to listen to your body, take breaks, and exercise regularly to maintain good hip health. Happy reclining!