slimming world

Joining Slimming World – Why I’m unhappy with my Weight

I’ve been struggling with my weight for a few years. Everything revolves around it.When I look at a picture of myself, I always check to see if I appear ‘fat,’ and when I try on a new dress, I always ask myself, “Do I look fat?” My weight is always on my mind, no matter what I’m doing. It has a hold on me.

I wish I confident being a larger size and not let it define me, but in the last couple of years I have gone from being a size 8-10 to a size 14-16 with a huge 5st gain.

I have decided that enough is enough .I’ve decided, I’d give everything to have my previous body back. Most people go to celebrities for motivation, but I just look at old images of myself. I used to be so confident in my figure that I could have strutted down the street naked and not cared. ( That was before having my elder daughter, stretch marks also made me very self conscious ).

I have joined slimming world twice in the past, both times being only last year but with my busy schedule I struggled making it into group and after a couple of weeks passed I lost all motivation and never went back.

Time to shake things up and re join slimming world

I have finally decided to re join slimming world and have just come to the end of my second week, as it’s a plan that I have followed before and know how it works, I am determined to stick to the plan this time around. To keep me motivated I purchased a 12 week countdown offer, I paid £49.50 for 10 weeks but I get 2 weeks free and a free recipe book.

So what is slimming world?

If you haven’t followed Slimming World before then there are a few basic things you need to know, The food you can eat are made up of free foods, speed foods, protein foods and food containing syns.

Syns are designed to help make people make healthier choices. That’s why some foods have a lower syn value than others.

Syns are calculated by Slimming World using a combination of calorie content, how filling they are and if they contain free foods.

Most fruit and vegetables are speed foods with a few exceptions such as grapes, bananas, potatoes, etc..

I almost forgot to mention ‘Healthy Extras’ these include milk and cheese for calcium, wholemeal bread and breakfast cereal for fibre and other essential minerals.

You get 3 Healthy Extras per day, two Healthy Extra A’s and one Healthy Extra B. If you’re breastfeeding you get 5 Healthy Extras. So as a breastfeeding mother, I currently get 5 but I don’t always have all my Healthy Extras.

The Slimming World plan is focused around changing your eating habits. It’s all about cooking food from scratch, controlling exactly what you put into each and every meal. I’m happy to admit that I always cook from scratch anyway and have always done so, but I’m guilty of not eating anything during the day and having dinner late at night and then a huge binge on chocolate, cake etc..

Since re joining Slimming World, I try my best to eat breakfast and lunch and instead of having chocolate in the evening, I now have a pot of quark with frozen fruit, sprinkled with a crushed meringue which is only 2.5syns! It’s so delicious and really fills me up.

I’m now looking forward to seeing where this journey will take me, I’m hoping for a 5st loss and would love to reach my goal by the summer, not sure if I’m giving myself enough time but as long as I’ll be able to feel confident in my summer dresses, I don’t mind how much I lose as long as I do.

Have you ever tried Slimming World? I’d love to know your thoughts.